
21-23 SEPTEMBER 1992

The fourth Annual Meeting of the Society was held at St. Benedicts, a Benedictine Lodge in a lovely site in MacKenzie Bridge, Oregon, from 21- 23 September 1992 (Figs. 28, 29). President Pietsch opened the Business Meeting on 21 September with a sad announcement of the accidental deaths of John Thomas Konecki (1949-1992) and his wife Susan. John was a founding Fellow of the Society. The meeting was dedicated to the memory of John Konecki.48

Twenty-one members of the Society were present, including 10 Founding Fellows (Fig. 30). Fifteen new members, as well as three nominees from 1989 or 1991, were inducted into the Society (App. 7).49

James Wilder Orr (1958-) was elected Secretary of the Society. Six Fellows were nominated and appointed to the 1992-1995 Executive Council. The Washington Fellows were Michael William Brogan, Andrew M. Shedlock, and Thomas Peter Quinn. The Oregon Fellows were Mark A. Hixon, Susan M. Sogard, and Harold J. Weeks. Wayne Palsson was elected President for 1993. President Pietsch then turned the meeting over to the incoming President, Carl Bond.50

President Bond asked for items of "New Business." Fellow Pietsch offered an amendment to the Bye-Laws creating a new membership category, "Honorary Fellow of the Gilbert Ichthyological Society." The purpose of this new category was to recognize individuals who are not ichthyologists, but who have contributed, or might contribute, to the Society in some fashion. After some discussion concerning the voting status of Honorary Fellows, Fellow Pietsch then added a section to the proposed amendment indicating that such Honorary Fellows are ineligible to vote or hold office. The amendment was approved unanimously.51

Pietsch also proposed that nominees who had not attended a meeting of the Society within three years of their nomination be dropped from the rolls and their nomination canceled. This proposal was sent to the Executive Committee for further consideration. Fellow Harris then moved that the names of Fellows who have not attended a meeting within the past three years, have moved to other countries, or are no longer ichthyologists be placed on an "Inactive Fellows" list. This motion was also referred to the Executive Committee for additional study. Fellow Karen Lippolt Dodge moved that Canadians be recognized as Fellows of the Society rather than Foreign Fellows and, further, that they be allowed to hold office. After a short discussion, the motion was tabled. The Business Meeting adjourned at 2159 hours.52

Tuesday was devoted to presentation of papers. Twenty-three papers were read (App. 8). That evening the Fellows enjoyed a banquet featuring salmon. Fellow Pietsch offered for sale (at cost) GIS "Tee" shirts, sweatshirts, and coffee cups bearing the Society Logo.53 A notice of the meeting was published in Copeia (Anon., 1993).

Monthly meetings were continued by the Washington contingent during 1992.54 The manager of Archie McPhee invited the Society to return to the store for a second "expedition" of the Society on "April Fish Day."55 This expedition was again planned by Wayne Palsson (Fig. 31). This time, Society Fellows engaged in a play portraying the beginnings of April Fish Day (i.e., All Fools Day or April Fools Day). The scene (as arranged by Palsson) was the court of Charles I, the King of France, in 1564. Members dressed in period costume (Figs. 32, 33).56 The expedition was highly successful.

The Society was called upon to provide serious scientific advice to the Federal Government in 1992. The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service asked the Society to review and comment on an "Options Paper" concerning the illegal, but intentional, introduction of nuisance species into the aquatic environment.57 Members of the Society duly reviewed and commented on the Federal proposals and their opinions were forwarded to the Service by Past President Douglas Markle.58

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