1991 Annual GIS Meeting

AGENDA for the Third Annual Meeting of the Reconstituted Gilbert Ichthyological Society, held on the Eleventh and Twelfth of October, One thousand nine hundred and ninety one, at the Friday Harbor Laboratories of the University of Washington, Seattle, Washington

Friday Evening, 11 October 1991:


1. Opening remarks from President Markle.

2. Call of the role.

3. Comments on the origin of the Society and on our beloved namesake Charles Henry Gilbert--Jean Dunn.

4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Election of new Fellows.

5. Full session restored for nomination and election of a new secretary.

6. Nomination and election of new Council Members, Class of 1995.

7. Nomination and election of next year's President.

8. Items of old business.

9. The passing of the gavel to the new President: Vice-Presidential appointment, other appointments, etc., etc., etc.

10. Items of new business: (1) A new logo for the Society; (2) plans for Occasional Papers of the Gilbert Ichthyological Society; (3) plans for the 1992 Annual Meeting at Oregon State University.

11. Closing statement and call for adjournment.

Saturday, 12 October 1991:

8:00-8:30: BREAKFAST


9:00: Karl BROOKINS. "Successful (?) Embiotocid Midwifery."

9:15: Morgan S. BUSBY and David A. Ambrose. "Development of Larvae and Early Juveniles of the Pygmy Poacher (Odontopyxis trispinosa) and the Blacktip Poacher (Xeneretmus latifrons) (Family Agonidae)."

9:30: Peggy BUSBY. "Large Woody Debris Management in the Beckler River. The Thanksgiving Flood."

9:45: Karen L. DODGE. "Dace Space. Habitat Utilization in Adjacent Cascade Watersheds."

10:00: J. Richard DUNN. "Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928), Father of American Fisheries Biology, and His Studies of Pacific Salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)."


10:45: Mark HIXON. "Fish Assemblages on Deep Reefs of the Oregon Outer Continental Shelf."

11:00: Mark R. JENNINGS. "Seth Eugene Meek, an Early Disciple of David Starr Jordan."

11:15: Linda JONES. "An Overview of High-Seas Driftnet Fisheries."

11:30: Arthur W. Kendall and Ann C. MATARESE. "Status of Early Life History Descriptions of Northeast Pacific Fishes."

11:45: John T. KONECKI. "In Situ Thermal Performance Studies of Coho Salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch)."


1:30: Dennis LASSUY. "Update on Threatened and Endangered Oregon Fishes."

1:45: James Wilder ORR. "The Pegasid Catapult: A Mechanical Trigger for Jaw Depression in a Teleost."

2:00: Julia K. PARRISH. "Frustration in School. Expectation and Reality."

2:15: Paulo PETRY. "Larval Fish Drift in the Central Amazon Flood Plain."

2:30: Thomas P. QUINN. "On Being the Right Size."


3:00: Andrew M. SHEDLOCK. "Evolution of Pacific Salmon Based on PCR-Direct Sequencing of the Mitochondrial DNA D-Loop."

3:15: Paul SIKKEL. "Changes in Plasma Levels of Gonadal Steroids Associated with Changes in Male Reproduction Behavior in a Brood-Cycling Marine Fish."

3:30: Deanna J. STOUDER. "The Use of Cages in the Study of Fish Behavior and Ecology."

3:45: Robin WAPLES. "Recent ESA Developments with Snake River Sockeye Salmon."

Summary statement and official adjournment of the 1991 meeting.


Sunday, 13 October 1991:

8:00-8:30: BREAKFAST

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