
APPENDIX 21. Papers presented at the eleventh Annual Meeting of the Gilbert Ichthyological Society, Newport, Oregon, 17-19 September 1999. 1

0800 Barbara Shields,* et al. [Poster]:"Feeding strategies of redband trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in the upper Deschutes Basin."
0900 J. Richard Dunn:"The work is the thing: William Francis Thompson (1888-1965) and the evolution of fishery science in North America."
0930 Stan van de Wettering:"Life history aspects in Pacific lamprey smolts."
1000 James Wilder Orr* and Morgan Scott Busby:"New and rare fishes of the Aleutian Islands."
1015 Break
1030 Ted W. Pietsch:"The International Kuril Island Project: Accomplishments and future directions."
1100 Yong-Woo Lee* and David Sampson:"Long-term growth variability of the fish species off Oregon."
1115 Colin Chapman* and Steve Berkeley:"Recruitment variability in black rockfish (Sebastes melanops): Effects of maternal age on offspring survival."
1130 Duane E. Stevenson:"Discovery of the holotype of Chaenogobius annularis Gill and its taxonomic consequences."
1145 Douglas F. Markle:"Siuslaw redside shiner taxonomy."
1200 Lunch
1300 Clifford Ryer:"The dark side of planktivore foraging and predator avoidance."
1330 Martin Cavalluzzi*, and Douglas F. Markle:"Morphology of Klamath Basin suckers."
1345 William Pinnix,* Dudley Chelton, and Steve Berkeley:"Otolith growth versus somatic growth of sablefish, Anoplopoma fimbria."
1400 Steven A. Berkeley* and Gonzalo C. Castillo:"Assessing year-class strength of sablefish from .recruitment indices of neustonic juveniles."
1415 Gerald R. Hoff:"Are changes in fish populations real or artifactural?"xx
1430 Break
1445 K. G. Thiesfield* and R. A. Fritzsche:"The ins and outs of moving a fish collection."
1500 Douglas F. Markle:"Speculations on the Missoula floods and distribution of Oregon freshwater fishes."
151 Steve Berkeley* and Hal Weeks:"Uncertainty and the precautionary principle: Why traditional approaches to fisheries management fall short."
1545 Wilfrido Contreras-Sanchez:"Masculinization of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) by immersions in synthetic steroids: In the search for an environmentally safe and reliable technique."
1600 D. W. Wagman,* M. Blovin, and D. F. Markle:"Evolutionary and ecological implications of the Ankyrin G locus in Klamath Basin suckers (Catostomidae)."

1 Gilbert Ichthyological Society Archives, Folder 12, File 2, Agenda for 18 September 1999.

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