
APPENDIX 12. Papers presented at the sixth Annual Meeting of the Gilbert Ichthyological Society, Newport, Oregon, 16-18 September 1994. 1

0900 Bill Berg:"Genetic consideration in the management of small populations."
0915 Doug Markle:"An un-natural history of the Tsiltcoos sucker."
0930 Eric Taylor* and J. D. McPhail:"Evolutionary genetic distinctiveness of the Salish sucker (Catostomus sp.)."
0945 Hal Weeks:"Conservation update: Oregon fishes."
1000 Paulo Petry* and P. Buckup:"Phylogenetic significance of larval extra-oral teeth in the neotropical Cynodontinae."
1015 Wayne Palsson,* T. W. Pietsch, B. K. Urbain, and J. A. López:"Freshwater fishes of the Kuril Islands"
1030 Break
1100 Susan Sogard:"Diel patterns of behavior of juvenile sablefish."
1115 David Sampson:"Anatomy of a groundfish stock assessment."
1130 Mai Ambusaidi:"Distribution and assemblages of demersal fish in Oman."
1145 Art Kendall:"Cramer vs. Cramer: Sebastes systematics."
1200 Lunch
1300 Michael Kinnison:"Evolution of introduced chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus mykiss) populations in New Zealand."
1315 Peggy Busby:"A biology based terminology for the reproductive ecotypes of steelhead (anadromous Oncorhynchus mykiss), or summer is winter in Kamchatka."
1330 Tom Quinn* and D. Adams:"Adaptations to a changing environment: Migratory timing of American shad and sockeye salmon."
1345 Cameron Sharpe:"Smoltification in wild spring Chinook salmon."
1400 Gordon Haas:"Historical biogeography of bull trout in North America."
1415 Break
1430 Claire Thompson:"Giant black sticklebacks: Evolution of parapatric lake-stream pairs (Gasterosteus aculeatus)."
1445 Peter Troffe:"Morphometric and ecological comparisons of seemingly isolated populations of Cottus rhotheus in Pass Creek, B.C."
1500 Michael Folkes:"Pacific Northwest museum databases on the internet: A hope for the future?"
1515 Ronald Fritzsche:"Water treadmill research at Humboldt State University."
1530 Mark Jennings:"Barton Warren Evermann and his 1904 golden trout expedition to the top of California."
1545 Martin Brittan:"Stanford's George S. Myers, last protégé of Jordan and Gilbert."

1 Gilbert Ichthyological Society Archives, Folder 7, File 2, 1994 Presentations List.

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