
APPENDIX 1. Agenda of the First Annual Meeting of the Gilbert Ichthyological Society, Seattle, Washington, 7 October 1989.1


Opening remarks and call of the role.


Formal reading of the Charter and Bye-laws of the Society, and all for membership approval.


The reading of the Obligation.


Words from the President: Vice-Presidential appointment, other appointments, etc., etc., etc.


Nomination and election of new Fellows.


Resolutions: Secretary Harris, to the podium please.


Nomination and election of Distinguished Members, Foreign Members, and Associate Members.


Nomination and election of next yearís President.


Items of old business: President Dunn, Who Was Charles Henry Gilbert?


Items of new business: Plans for the 1990 Annual Meeting at Corvallis.


Distinguished Scientist Lecture: Prof. Markle, Ichthyologica Oregoniensis.

Lunch and group photograph


Paper session:
Carl Bond:"Lampetra richardsoni versus Lampetra pacifica."
Karl Brookins:"Neonate surfperch survival and osmoregulation."
Morgan Busby:"Use of SLR and video camera techniques in early life history studies."
Ken Currens:"Genetics and Ceratomyxa resistance in Oncorhynchus mykiss."
Fred Goetz:"Juvenile ecology of Salvelinus confluentus."
Phil Harris:"Development of Microstomus."
John Konecki:"Ontogeny, structure, and function of the internal nares and electric organs of the uranoscopid genus Astroscopus."
Zhiming Liu:"Phylogeny of living chimaeroid fishes."
Roberto Melendez:"Systematics of Laemonema."
Jay Orr:"Phylogeny of gasterosteiform fishes."
Wayne Palsson:"Systematics and distribution of the sea moths."
Todd Pearsons:"Fish communities in the John Day River."
Tom Quinn:"The myth of salmon homing."
John Stadler:"Functional morphology of the feeding mechanism of Gobiesox meandricus."


Summary statement and official adjournment of the 1989 meeting.

1. Gilbert Ichthyological Society Archives, Folder 2, File 2, 1989 Agenda.
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